Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunset Hills Ward Halloween Party, 2002

In 2002, the first Sunset Hills Halloween Party was planned by the Ward Activities Chairmen, Bob Turner, Linda Turner, and Colleen King. The party was named "Trunk or Treat" by Colleen King and Patti Shahin. They thought of this "original" name because of the car TRUNK decorating contest that was judged before the trick or treating began.

That first year, Kenny and Jeff King won. (If anyone has photos please share them with us.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Trunk or Treat Holloween part was not in 2002, but 1992. Colleen and Patti created this concept. In 2002 Ken and Geoff wer 23 and 21 respectively, so they were not in a costume party at these ages. Please call Colleen to verify these dates @242 1908 Just correcting a error in the Blog.

Wayne King