Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunset Hills Memories

I remember ward summer swim parties at the Turners' compound. I can taste the watermelon and smell the burgers on the grill. (Technically I know they have held parties there for many wards.)

I remember a Casady grand child nearly scaring me to death sitting behind me in Sacrament Meeting with a strange loud vacuum slurping noise. (I have never heard any other baby make that noise. I think he just liked the way it sounded.)

I remember really enjoying an impromptu Sacrament Meeting talk by Brother Durkee about a motorcycling trip to visit temples. He came to Church and was called on to speak from the podium. It was a really good talk, but it scared me to think that I might come to worship some Sunday and be told I was the main speaker. (It also unnerved many youth of the Ward.)

I remember Sister Fox (the younger one) giving a primary sharing time wearing a Scientist's smock.

Do you have any Sunset Hills Memories?

Please feel free to email in any Sunset Hills Memories to:

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